Beginner’s Ultimate Guide to Intermittent Fasting

What is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting is quickly gaining popularity not just among A-list celebrities, but also the average American citizen. Intermittent fasting and weight loss go hand in hand which is probably the number one reason for its popularity in recent years.


This type of fasting helps boost metabolism, overall health and wellbeing. Several different types of intermittent fasting schedules have been developed over the years, keep reading to pick one that best suits your lifestyle and hunger pangs.


How Intermittent Fasting Works 16/8?

This intermittent fasting plan is for individuals who are looking to lose some serious weight, as this diet requires you to not eat at all, for 14 to 16 hours. This leaves a rough 8 to 10-hours eating window, in which you can squeeze in two to three healthy meals.


Be sure to lay off of greasy fast foods and junk foods as they just pile on weight. Individuals on this diet prefer choosing one of the following 8-hour eating windows:


  • 12 p.m. – 8 p.m.
  • 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
  • 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.


To make things simple, for instance, if you finish dinner at 8 p.m. simply skip breakfast the next day and eat directly at noon. To make things easier you can curb hunger by drinking as much water as you desire. The best part is coffee is allowed and so are all other noncaloric beverages.


The Fast 5:2 Diet

This intermittent fasting meal plan requires women to restrict eating 500 calories and 600 for men for two days of a week. While the remainder 5 days of the week, individuals can eat as usual. You can spread this fast diet throughout the weak as you please and choose days that are most convenient for you, for instance, Tuesdays and Fridays.


Alternate-day Fasting

As the name suggests, this diet plan requires individuals to fast every other day. This method is not recommended for beginners, as full-day fasts can be too overbearing.


This is also probably the most short-term oriented intermittent fasting as going to bed hungry every other day will leave you in a bad mood, feeling frustrated, low on energy and may even cause weakness.


Hard-core Intermittent Fasting Eat-Stop-Eat Diet

This intermittent fasting and weight loss plan involves one to practice a full day fast, either twice or at least once per week. This fast prohibits the intake of all solid foods for the time you are fasting. However, you are permitted to drink coffee, water and any other noncaloric beverages.


Like all the different types of intermittent fasting, this fast also requires you to eat in normal portions and healthy meals only. Due to the hardcore nature of not being able to eat for full 24 hours, it is difficult for most people to keep up with it.


The key is to start slow with 14 hours, then progress up to 16 hours and so on. This fast is not recommended for all, as immense self-discipline is required to complete 24 hours of going hungry and once the fast is complete one usually gets ravenously hungry, which poses a possible threat of binge eating afterward.


Mini-Fasting: Spontaneous Meal Skipping

For this diet, you need not follow any structured fasting plans. You can go about it according to your preference. Skip meals every now and then, as per your hunger pangs. For instance, if you do not have time to cook or are traveling long distances, opt for a short fast, just have breakfast and lunch, but skip dinner, or whichever meal you do not desire to consume.


Intermittent Fasting Warrior Diet

This fasting can be practiced by most people with ease. In fact, this was the very first type of intermittent fasting.


The warrior diet requires eating small amounts of raw vegetables and fruits throughout the day. So if you enjoy eating vegetable and fruit salads then this diet is right up your alley. The only time you are allowed to eat a proper meal, is during a 4-hour eating window in the evening. Though a feast is recommended, you should eat unprocessed and whole foods.


Intermittent Fasting Disadvantages

As you must have figured by now, this diet plan is not for everyone. It is good for those with strong self-discipline. On the other hand, it is not recommended for those who are prone to eating disorders, such as anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, pica, rumination and avoidant or restrictive food intake disorder. Fasting can make individuals more likely to overeat, suffer from weakness and low energy.


Intermittent Fasting Hunger Tips

Here are some easy to follow tips that can help you keep you’re fast a little more comfortably:


  • Consume water throughout the day.
  • Practice mindful eating when you consume meals.
  • If hunger feels too much to bare, try meditation or keep yourself busy with a low physical exertion activity, such as a board game or book.
  • Be less active on social media and watch less television so there is little exposure to food.
  • To gain the maximum benefits, workout right before you break the fast or during the eating window, as this will help you feel hungrier than usual.
  • To suppress appetite, you can drink green juices, celery juice and cinnamon herbal tea.


Does Intermittent Fasting Work for Weight Loss?

There is good reason why numerous health enthusiasts have become absolute fans of this diet plan. Intermittent fasting to lose belly fat as well as overall fat is ideal to get in good shape. It helps practice self-discipline, self-control as well as aids weight loss and improves blood sugar levels. If you couple eating for fewer hours, with clean eating and exercise you are sure to see incredible results for yourself.


Intermittent Fasting and Exercise

To get maximum gains, try intermittent fasting workout routine alongside taking the best Tribulus terrestris products, such as Herbion Virility Formula. These capsules are loaded with Tribulus, Ashwagandha, Elephant Vine and Velvet Bean. Our ashwagandha booster is excellent for improving overall male health, strength and stamina.


Ashwagandha for men in these capsules helps reduce cortisol levels which aid the reduction of anxiety and stress. Tribulus terrestris regulates the production of nitric oxide which promotes the flow of oxygen-rich blood, lowers stress and maintains blood pressure. Elephant Vine aids the reduction of inflammation, promotes metabolism and boosts the digestive system. Velvet bean in the mixture bolsters motivation, aids focus and promotes happiness and positivity.


Virility Formula contains the goodness of wholesome ingredients which are non-steroidal, non-hormonal, vegan-friendly and gluten free. Two capsules are required to be taken daily for at least eight to twelve days for long-term cumulative effects.


To ensure you maintain strength and agility while intermittent fasting, simply take two easy to swallow Virility Formula capsules with water. You can also empty contents of these capsules in your favorite celery or green juice, mix thoroughly and enjoy drinking. Get your hands on these Tribulus terrestris capsules, by placing an order on

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