Which Herbs Boost Testosterone?


In recent posts, we’ve discussed common male sexual health issues, specifically related to testosterone, fertility supplements, and steps that one can take to address a few of these complex disorders and conditions. Specifically, we listed 14 foods which can help boost testosterone and maintain or perhaps improve your overall male sexual health. In today’s post, we will be taking a different approach to address many of the same issues related to male performance and health, but with a deeper dive into the herbal side of safe male enhancement. The reason being we at Herbion have created a one of a kind Virility Formula, a tribulus terrestris supplement and herbal formula designed to increase sexual desire, improve male stamina, and support your body’s method of naturally producing testosterone. We will look into the purpose of each herb found in our herbal remedy for erectile dysfunction, Virility Formula.




A member of the family zygophyllaceae is also known as Gokharu or puncture vine. Tribulus terrestris is one of the chief components within our herbal blend. Tribulus has been known as one of the very best herbal remedies for erectile dysfunction in particular, and also has properties to increase one’s sexual desire and maintain blood pressure. It is easy to see why tribulus is one of the essential elements in our herbal testosterone booster.




Another vital part of our herbal remedy for ED, asparagus is known in other parts of the world as stavari, and is a member of the Liliaceae family. Remarkably, asparagus is an antineoplastic, diuretic, aphrodisias, in addition to being anti-stress, anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant, and anti-oxidant. So basically, we could have bottled asparagus and put on store shelves, and we would have had a pretty great product. We are only joking of course, there are many herbs that go into our blend which makes it so effective. Two other fun (and useful) facts about asparagus consumption is that doing so has been known to support memory and stimulate sex hormones, including testosterone.




Velvet Bean


Known as ucuna pruriens in latin, velvet beans have been included within Virility Formula in order to increase testosterone levels, build muscle mass, relieve stress, enhance the libido, reduce inflammation, and even act as a mood elevator. Found in China, India, the Middle East, and Africa, the velvet bean is an annual climbing legume that grows in tropical regions. It has traditionally been used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for diseases including snake bite.




Known to increase testosterone, be a male libido booster, and improve mood, nutmeg is key in our virility supplement. Medically used in Southern Asia, nutmeg has been reported to be effective as a nervous stimulant, aphrodisiac, and a general tonic. Also useful as a spice (you probably already knew that), nutmeg is a very important male libido booster.




Referred to frequently in ancient medical literature, hygrophila acts as an aphrodisiac and a male libido booster. It contains flavonoids, terpenoids, and alkaloids, but if that is a little too much jargon for you, know that hygrophila is found in our male enhancement supplement because it can increase sperm count, improve sex drive, and improve sexual function overall.




The orchis latifolia has a lengthy history in Ayurveda for treatment to improve male sexual health. Specifically, it is an herbal ED remedy that has been shown to help subjects achieve stronger rejections, increase sperm motility, and address premature ejaculation. Salep can be found between 8 to 12 thousand feet in Africa, Eastern India, and the Western Himalayas.


Heart Leaf Sida


Also known as sida cordifolia, heart leaf sida comes predominantly from India, but is widely distributed in Sri Lanka as well. Throughout history, it has been used by the Chinese to treat symptoms like headache, wheezing, and weight loss. We have included sida cordifolia in our Virility Formula to improve sperm motility and improve ejaculatory performance.


Elephant Vine


Also known as vruddha daraka in Ayurveda. In more recent times, the west has harnessed its properties to be used as a natural male libido booster. Elephant vine is usually found in Assam, Bihar, Hawaii, and even Africa. It can build up protein which leads to muscle growth, stimulate sex hormones, and also acts as a nervine tonic for stress level maintenance.




An extremely popular ingredient in many male sexual health remedies, sarivan is both carminative and rejuvenative. Savarian has been said to improve one’s semen quality, improve men’s sexual health, and stimulate sexual stamina. Savarian grows in dry hilly areas, and can be found in Australia, Africa, and a few different regions in Asia. This perennially spreading herb contains alkaloids, flavonoids, pterocarpanoids, desmodin, and alkylamines.


If you are looking for a non-hormonal, non-steroidal, vegan, gluten free, safe, and effective natural testosterone supplement then look no further than Virility Formula. The benefits of Virility Formula are there for your gain. Increase your testosterone levels, strengthen erections, boost libido, and increase the sexual pleasure of both you and your partner. Quite simply Virility Formula is the best herbal treatment for erectile dysfunction on the market. So what are you waiting for?

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